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About Us is a Sri Lankan marketplace provides you the ability to find your favorite items and sell your products and services.
We offer you to post free ads about your services so anyone can contact you through
contact information you post on our site.
So we are not providing any payments methods or exchanging methods,what we are doing is we make this space for buyers and sellers to interact. is bringing to you buy sri lankans who made always our motherland proud.

Why choose us

We provide you a free marketplace,you do not have to pay any rental or commission to use our marketplace to grow your business or sell your products.

Our mission

We want sri lankans to use products and services made by sri lankans,We need to save money to our motherland.We need to support sri lankan businesses to grow on the internet.

How we make money ?

At the moment we have no income.We are not willing to ask you to pay for posting ads in future like other websites.but for banner ads and featured ads will be offered for reasonable price.But you will never have to pay for posting ads in any category.
